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ADHD Assessments & Psychotherapy

In-person in Charlotte for assessments and online in NC & SC for psychotherapy

What is ADHD?

ADHD stands for Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. It is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects both children and adults. People with ADHD typically exhibit patterns of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity that are more severe and frequent compared to individuals without the disorder.

The symptoms of ADHD can be grouped into three main categories:

  1. Inattention: Individuals with ADHD may have difficulty sustaining attention, staying organized, and completing tasks. They may frequently make careless mistakes, have trouble following instructions, and often seem forgetful or easily distracted.

  2. Hyperactivity: Hyperactivity in ADHD is characterized by excessive and restless motor activity. Children may exhibit constant fidgeting, squirming, and difficulty staying seated. In adults, this can manifest as a feeling of inner restlessness.

  3. Impulsivity: People with ADHD often act impulsively without considering the consequences. They may have difficulty waiting their turn, frequently interrupt others, and struggle with self-control.

ADHD can have a significant impact on various areas of life, including academic performance, work productivity, relationships, and overall quality of life. It is important to note that the severity and specific symptoms of ADHD can vary among individuals.

Let’s identify what’s important to you and create a plan you can get excited about.

As a psychotherapist specializing in ADHD, my approach is structured across three focused sessions, each one personalized to your specific needs.

Initial Client Appointment:

In our first session, we’ll discuss potential symptoms of ADHD and determine if an ADHD assessment suits you. This is a crucial step for understanding your concerns and laying the groundwork for an in-depth evaluation.

In-Person Assessment:

The second session involves a thorough in-person assessment, where we delve into your personal and family history and current challenges. I use various specialized assessment tools, such as the Adult ADHD Self-Report Scale (ASRS), Brown Executive Function/Attention Scales, Cognitive Assessment Battery, and QbCheck. Additionally, we screen for co-occurring conditions like anxiety and depression to ensure a comprehensive understanding of your mental health.

Follow-Up and Discussion of Results:

The final session discusses the outcomes of these assessments. You’ll be able to ask questions and gain clarity on your condition. Copies of the evaluations and, if applicable, a letter of justification for the diagnosis will be provided.

Psychoeducation is integral to treatment, providing detailed insights about how ADHD impacts each client. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and executive functioning skills are essential to challenge negative thoughts and learning tools for managing ADHD symptoms.

Although I do not provide medication, I can refer you to a psychiatrist for medication management. A blend of psychotherapy, skill training, and potential medication can significantly improve ADHD management and enhance quality of life.

ADHD Psychotherapy can help you:

Identify strengths & goals

During therapy, we identify strengths and goals. Recognizing strengths boosts self-esteem and empowers individuals to overcome challenges. Setting specific and attainable goals provides direction and motivation. By leveraging strengths and working towards goals, individuals with ADHD can improve functioning and lead more fulfilling lives.

Coping Skills

I help clients explore new strategies, resources, and opportunities to overcome challenges. I encourage clients to think creatively and find alternative approaches that work best for them. Together, we will discover new possibilities and seek personal growth, expanding your horizons and finding pathways to success and fulfillment.

Make important decisions

ADHD therapy helps clients make important decisions by providing structure, fostering self-awareness, developing problem-solving skills, addressing impulsivity, and offering a supportive environment. Together, we work to enhance the decision-making process, guiding clients to make choices that align with their goals.

Common questions about ADHD assessments

  • Several key tools are employed for thorough and accurate evaluations:

    • ASRS (Adult ADHD Self-Report Scale): Identifies symptoms of ADHD.

    • Brown Executive Function/Attention Scale: Provides a detailed analysis of executive functions and attention.

    • Cognitive Assessment Battery: Assesses a range of cognitive functions.

    • QbCheck: A computerized assessment tool that measures inattention and hyperactivity, providing objective data on the severity of ADHD symptoms. It offers a quantitative evaluation of behavior patterns typically associated with ADHD.

    The assessment includes a historical interview from early childhood to the present. This interview is essential for understanding how ADHD-related challenges have evolved and affected the client's life, offering insights into their personal, academic, and professional experiences.

    Input from family members or friends may be considered when relevant and with the client's consent, adding depth to the understanding of the client's experiences and behaviors.

    Also, I screen for co-occurring conditions such as anxiety and depression. These conditions often accompany ADHD and can significantly impact the client's overall well-being and daily functioning. Recognizing these co-occurring issues is essential to understand each client's unique presentation.

  • My approach to assessing and diagnosing ADHD is distinctly different. As a neurodivergent therapist, I understand the ADHD experience firsthand, which not only reduces stigma but also fosters trust and connection with my clients.

    My comprehensive assessment methodology utilizes a multi-model model that delves into cognitive, behavioral, and emotional dimensions. This approach ensures a holistic understanding of each individual's unique profile.

    In summary, my approach to ADHD assessment is centered on providing a comprehensive understanding of each client's unique needs and experiences. This personalized care sets me apart, ensuring clients receive the attention and insights they deserve.

  • No, I do not have the authority to prescribe ADHD medication. I am a Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor with specialized expertise in ADHD assessment and psychotherapy. If you are considering medication as part of your treatment plan, I can refer you to a qualified psychiatrist who can discuss medication management options if desired. Additionally, I provide comprehensive assessment results and can furnish a formal justification letter of diagnosis, which can be shared with your chosen medical provider.

  • Currently, I have network agreements with Aetna and Blue Cross Blue Shield for ADHD assessments. However, I recommend verifying your insurance coverage to ensure your plan covers the evaluation cost.

    For clients with different insurance providers or those who prefer to pay privately, the cost of an ADHD assessment through SouthPark Psych is $625. This comprehensive fee covers the historical interview, battery of tests, and screeners and includes a follow-up session to discuss the assessment results. Additionally, each client will receive a letter detailing their results, copies of the assessments, and recommendations for any necessary follow-up steps.

  • The ADHD assessment process in my practice is structured and client-focused, consisting of three distinct stages:

    New Client Appointment: The ADHD assessment process starts with a new client appointment. In this session, you'll share why you're seeking an ADHD assessment, and we'll discuss your particular situation. This step is essential to confirm if this evaluation is right for you. Based on what works best for you, you can choose to have this appointment in person or through telehealth.

    In-depth Assessment: The second stage involves a comprehensive, in-person session where computerized testing and a review of your historical background are conducted. This stage is integral to gathering detailed information about your cognitive patterns and behaviors. Following this session, I will analyze the collected data thoroughly to arrive at a diagnosis, if applicable.

    Results and Recommendations: In the final stage, we meet to discuss the assessment results. This meeting allows you to ask questions and understand the findings. If a diagnosis is made, you will receive a comprehensive report detailing the results and the justification for the diagnosis. Based on these findings, I will also offer tailored recommendations for your unique situation.

    My commitment is to provide a focused and individualized assessment experience, ensuring that each client receives the attention and care necessary for a thorough and accurate evaluation.

“Behavior isn’t something someone has. Rather, it emerges from the interaction of a person’s biology, past experiences, and immediate context.” ― L. Todd Rose